The Jews/Hebrews/Israelites are the earliest surviving group of inhabitants of the land of Israel, dating back more than 3000 years ( , ; ). Many of them were forcefully removed by various foreign conquerors, particularly by the Assyrians, Babylonians, and later Romans. Arabs conquered the land in cycles starting in the 7th century CE. Arab culture was brought to the land from what is modern day Saudi Arabia. Scholars of Israelite and Jewish history are in agreement that Israelite/Jewish culture is native to this land, going back thousands of years, and continued to have a presence in the land throughout the last 3000 years. There is similarly overwhelming evidence that modern-day Jews (currently identified as either European, Mediterranean/Middle-Eastern, Yemenite, or Ethiopian Jews, in addition to a number of other groups) are the descendants of ancient Israelites/Judeans who spread throughout the region after they were expelled from the land. So the Israelis are in fact indigenous people of this land. Nevertheless, most Israelis accept that Arabs lived in this land for hundreds of years and they have every right to establish a sovereign state. But this should be based on mutual recognition, including that the Palestinian state should recognize the legitimacy of Israel.

The historical/indigenous connection of the Jewish people to this land, and its right to establish in part of it a national homeland (alongside a Palestinian homeland in the other part) has been recognized by the international community in official resolutions for nearly a century now (in the United Nations, and its predecessor organization – The League of Nations, see excerpts below).